Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 442)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 442)
Another study undertaken by BLAEO during 1979-80 of 41
villages in the West Bank and Gaza Strip found illiteracy
rates of 21% for men and 53% for women. For details, see,
David Hurford, "Rural Illiteracy In The Occupied Territories:
Dimensions and Research Problems", in Birzeit Research
Review, Vol 1, No 3 1986.
5. See, Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract
of Israel 1984, (Jerusalem: 1984) p.95.
6. See, UNESCO, Literacy as a Factor in Development,
(Paris: 1965).
7. See, World Bank, World Development Report 1983, (Oxford,
1983), pp. 148-49, Table 1.
8. See, ibid.
9. This approach to the measurement of illiteracy has been
widely adopted in literacy surveys undertaken in the West
Bank, particularly at the Birzeit Literacy and Adult
Education Office. See, David Hurford, op cit p.53.
10. The figures presented here do not balance exactly due
to the manner of compilation of the Israeli statistical data
which are presented in cumulative percentage rather than in
absolute numbers. However, the difference is small and does
not make an important difference to the general pattern.
11. See, Sami Khader, "The Dropping-Out of Adults in
Literacy Courses". Unpublished mimeo. (Birzeit, 1983) (in
12. Ibid.
13. See, inter alia, Thomas Ricks, "Palestinian Education:
Directions and Areas of Research", in Birzeit Research
Review, Vol 1, No 1 1985, also, Sarah Graham-Brown,
Alex Pollock


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