Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 443)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 443)
Education, | Repression and Liberation: Palestinians, (London,
1984), pp. 16-21, 62-81
14. Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, (London,
1972), pp.45-46.
15. For a detailed account of this campaign, see, Richard
Fagen, The Transformation of Political Culture in Cuba,
(Stanford, 1961) pp.33-68. For aneven more interesting
first-hand account of the Nicaraguan Literacy Crusade of
1980, which led to a reduction in the national iliiteracy
rate from 50% to 12%, see, Sheryl Hirshon with Judy Butler,
And Also Teach Them To Read, (Westport, 1983).
16. The Final Report of the World Conference of Ministers
of Education on the Eradication of Illiteracy, quoted in.
Michael Young, Hilary Perraton, Janet Jenkins and Tony Dodds,
Distance Teaching in the Third World, (London, 1980), pp. 81-
17. The information on the Zambian project is abstracted
from Michael Young et al. ibid. pp. 82-83.
18. See, Carol and Lars Berggren, The Literacy Process: A
Practice of Domestication or Liberation?, (London, 1975),
19. Barbara Bee, "The Politics of Literacy" in Robert
Mackie, Ed., Literacy and Revolution: The Pedagogy of Paulo
Freire, (London, i980), p.48.
20. For the historical context to the background of
Freire's work on literacy, see. Clift Barnard. "Imperialism,
Underdevelopment and Education", in Robert Mackie, ibid. pp.
21. *Freire's most important works (available in English)
Alex Pollock


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