Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 446)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 446)
Revolution and: 3. Basic Needs.
The community development based rural development strategy
consisted of a peculiar mix of often conflicting and
contradictory elements.(1) This strategy was an ideological
mosaic which drew on elements of Ghandian socialism, anti-
communist cold-war ideology, de-radicalised participatory
populism, European adult education and social welfare
programmes, and a diffusionist model’ of technological
transfer. (2)
The initial themes of the community development strategy were
formulated at the end of the British colonial era in Africa.
During this period the British colonial administration was
interested in leaving some kind of positive legacy in Africa,
partly to compensate for their years of plunder and
exploitation of the African populace and, more importantly,
to bring the newly independent African states back into the
British sphere of influence under the sway of neo-colonialist
and cooptationist foreign policies. (3)
The community development strategy began to be implemented in
a widespread institutionalised manner during the early
1950's. This institutionalisation was quite clearly designed
as a western alternative to the successful peasant-inspired
Chinese revolution. Western governments and United Nations
officials (it should be remembered that during this early
, v4 | 437
Alex Pollock


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