Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 447)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 447)
period the UN agencies were not the seed-bed of Third World
radicalism and opinion which a few of them became in the
1970's) were worried by the prospect of widespread socialist
based revolutions and regimes in the peasant countries of the
Third World. The community development strategy was
considered by the western governments as a non-revolutionary
alternative to revolutionary agrarian change and socialist
development. (4)
It was not only the Western bloc countries that the community
development strategy appealed to. It also had implicit
Virtues for the leadership and elites of Third World nations
who, according to L. E. Holdcroft:
"...were looking for an ideology and technique to
improve the living conditions of rural people.
Community development held forth the promise not
only of building "grass roots" democratic
institutions but also of improvement in the
material well-being of’the rural poor - without
revolutionary changes in the existing political and
economic order." (5)
Thus, the community development strategy grew throughout the
1950's and, by the early 1960's, there were community
development programmes in over sixty Third World countries,
over thirty of which were directly supported by U.S.
bilateral aid.(6) The western based imperatives of these
programmes can be readily induced from the list of major
funding institutions: the Ford Foundation, the United States
Foreign Economic Assistance Agency (later called US-AID) and,
latterly, the United Nations Department of Economic and
Social Affairs.
438 f
Alex Pollock


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