Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 450)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 450)
transfer failed to increase significantly the level of farm
incomes. The reasons for this have been pointed out by
numerous commentators, who argue forcibly that in the
majority of Third World countries there are entrenched
structural obstacles which mitigate against the fruits of
increased productivity through technical developments
accruing to the poorer peasantry. Among these obstacles are:
inequitable and overexploitative land tenure systems,
punative tax regimes on the poor, the concentration of market
outlets in the hands of urban merchants and the concentration
of political power in the hands of urban elites. (9)
Moreover, Shultz, in his book Transforming Traditional
Agriculture, exploded the myth of the irrational fatalistic
peasant. He has shown, through an analysis of a number of
concrete studies, that Third World peasant farmers are, by
and large, extremely rational economic actors who tend to
weigh the economic advantages and disadvantages of different
agricultural techniques. He has further shown, that although
Third World farmers are less productive in per capita terms
than western farmers, they do make the most efficient use of
the traditional. technology they operate with, and this
technology tends to be extremely well suited to the
constraints of the ecological systems under which they
operate. (10)
There are two major criticisms which may be addressed to the
community development incorporation of the diffusionist model
of technological transfer. First, technique is not a neutral
Alex Pollock


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