Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 451)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 451)
force but one which tends to be adapted to the requirements
of the more powerful groups within the agrarian social
structure. Thus, when new techniques are introduced, it is
quite often the case that the poor often become poorer rather
than better off. Second, and more importantly, the
utilisation of the diffusionist model did not achieve its
stated economic aim of increased productivity and food
production. (11)
On the socio-political side, the community development cadres
proved incapable of attaining their "democratic" aims.
Village based animateurs tended to identify with local elites
and strengthened the position of village leaders rather than
widening the power base through the mobilization of
participation in the decision-making processes. The village
based animateurs were generally paternalistic and
managerially oriented. Rather than proving a catalyst for
village based participation, the village level animateurs
often acted as petty bureaucratic officials who managed
Village affairs and paid little regard to the principles of
participation and democracy. (12)
By the mid-1960's, community development was in decline and
had very little international support. The food crisis of the
1960's brought about a change in direction of the development
strategies being pursued by the international agencies.
During this period more and more large grants were being
awarded for basic research into plant biology and genetics.
Since it was now thought that the best way out of the food
Alex Pollock


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