Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 456)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 456)
merchants. (21)
Landlords often gain more from the introduction of new
techniques and increased production than the peasantry
because they are able to exploit existing power and patronage
structures to ensure that they receive the largest share of
the income coming from increased production. This is
particularly true in the case of sharecropping. Landlords
often increase their share of income derived from the
peasantry through moving into other activities such as money
lending, renting equipment, processing crops (e.g. owning
threshing mills and storage facilities). Landlords, moreover,
often combine their landholder function with those of
merchants and middlepersons. Furthermore, landlords have the
important power of eviction which they can use to coerce and
threaten the peasant into giving up a larger share of her/his
income. In numerous cases the threat of physical violence is
also present . (22)
Urban merchants and middlepersons are often able to charge
the poorer peasantry higher prices than the more
institutionally and market mobile rich peasantry through
their monopoly and oligopolistic control of local market
outlets. If the peasant is not able to take her/his own crop
to the market then the merchant can charge relatively high
costs for transportation, selling and auctioning crops.
Merchants often hold monopoly control over input markets,
particularly where local markets are underdeveloped. The
merchant often lends funds to the poorer peasants to purchase
447 Le,
Alex Pollock


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