Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 458)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 458)
While the Green Revolution strategy incorporates the
technical conditions for a great number of Third World
countries to achieve food self-sufficiency, it has tended to
do so at the expense of the smaller, poorer and least
powerful elements among the peasantry. The Green Revolution
strategy has often been accompanied by the harrowing sight of
peasant hunger in Third World countries which, while
producing enough foodstuffs to maintain national food self-
sufficiency, export vast quantities of their food production
while sectors of the peasantry and landless labouring
population go hungry.
In recent years the majority of international agencies
working in the Third World have - through their public
statements and through their official and semi-official
publications and reports — been arguing in words, if not in
deeds, for development strategies which take the meeting of
basic needs as a component in their construction. Thus, the
World Bank, the International Labour Organisation and_ the
United Nations Economic Programme have been promoting the
notion of basic needs. This interest in basic needs on the
part of the international agencies is also mirrored in the
deve lopment ideologies of the largest non-government
organisations (NGO's) providing aid, e.g. NOVIB,. Oxfam, CCFD,
etc. This concern is also found in the work of such bodies as
the International Council for Adult Education and the World
Council of Churches. (25)
Alex Pollock


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