Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 459)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 459)
The basic needs strategy has grown out of dissatisfaction
with the failures of previous development strategies,
particularly strategies based on economic growth models, to
solve the fundamental problems facing the rural and urban
poor. There is a general feeling of frustration and sometimes
anger that the best efforts of the international agencies
have not even begun to affect the lives of the poorest and
most underprivileged sectors of Third World communities ina
positive manner. The "trickle down effect" which was an
implicit premise of the majority of economic growth models
was shown to be nothing more than a convenient economic myth.
In fact, it is often claimed that the work of the
international agencies, particularly the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund, has increased the level of
impoverishment and destitution of the Third World poor
through their aid and lending policies. Recently, a number of
Third World governments have drawn direct conclusions” from
this and are now calling for the establishment of a New
International Economic Order (NIEO) which will allow their
countries to break out of this cycle. The basic needs
strategy is sometimes incorporated into this call for a
NIEO. (26)
The basic needs approach argues that development strategies
should increasingly attempt to understand and combat’ the
causes of poverty in the Third World through including policy
instruments in the design of development strategies which
will fulfill the basic needs of the poor. AS a corollary of
this it is often argued that governments can only
Alex Pollock


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