Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 460)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 460)
meaningfully talk about development if the basic needs of the
poorer members of society are being met. A programme for
meeting basic needs is normally expected to include economic
and non-material indicators.
Reginald H. Green has argued that the basic needs strategy
encompasses five broad target areas. These are: first. the
provision of basic consumer goods, e.g. adequate food,
clothing, housing, basic household equipment and other
socially and culturally defined necessities; second,
universal access to basic services, e.g. primary and adult
education, pure water, preventative and curative health
programmes, sanitation, infrastructure and communications
systems; third, the right to productive employment which
results in enough productivity and equitable enough wages for
each household to meet its consumption requirements from the
household income; fourth, an infrastructure capable of
producing the goods and services required, generating a
surplus capable of financing basic communal services,
providing investment sufficient to increase the productive
forces needed to reach self-reliance in meeting basic needs;
finally, mass participation in decision-taking and _ the
implementation of projects. (27)
It is clear from these elements that the basic needs approach
to development is widely conceived. The main feature of the
approach is that it is grounded on a humanistic as opposed to
an economic rationality. However, the very breadth of issues
it covers leads to a certain amount of ambiguity as to what a
Alex Pollock


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