Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 464)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 464)
development strategies have become a tactical component in
the international foreign policy instruments of the developed
capitalist nations, most importantly the USA.(35) As_ such,
these strategies are an element in the changing “aid”
Policies which have done so much to maintain the _ power,
influence and economic dominance of western governments,
foreign corporations and business interests in the countries
of the Third World. On the soft side, all of the strategies
invariably contain an ideological element which has a_ strong
humanitarian and compassionate content which very often
expresses a fundamental interest in mitigating the worst
aspects of underdevelopment, poverty and social degradation.
However, this general humanitarian content is normally
constrained by the instrumental form of western government
international policy.
In general, we often find western non-govenment organisations
(NGO's) singularly committed to the humanitarian element of
deve lopment ideologies and strategies. Sometimes these
organisations will also attempt to address the issue of power
and control and state quite clearly in their policy
statements that poverty and underdevelopment cannot be
eradicated without a fundamental restructuring of economic
resource and political power in the countries of the Third
World. However, if they attempt to work seriously with
political groups which are working with, organising and
attempting to empower the poorest and most underprivileged
groups through their programme budgets and projects, then
they are likely to meet direct interference in their work if
455 J
Alex Pollock


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