Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 466)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 466)
Moving beyond the global issue of the link between
development strategies and imperialism I wish to raise a
number of ideas which criticism of these agrarian deve lopment
strategies raises for constructing appropriate alternative
paths to agrarian development and the eradication of rural
poverty under conditions of occupation. My central concern
here is to discuss a socialist politics of agrarian
intervention and organisational form rather than a_ politics
of socialist transition.
Although I have given the community development strategy
short shrift, I believe that if we shed all the
cooptationist, bureaucratic, technocratic and elitist
elements entailed in its previous practice we would discover
that it has radical roots which are compatible with the
Utopian socialist tradition. Thus, there is an exceptionally
valuable liberatorary core which, though it requires
substantial rethinking, could be fruitfully promoted in order
to set development agendas under the constraints of
occupation. The radical core of both the community
development strategy and Utopian socialism is the idea of
participatory or popular democracy. Participatory democracy
embodies the Rousseausque notion of direct control and
popular mobilisation in organisational structures without the
necessary mediation of the institutions of representative
democracy. This model of political action and control could
be an important means of organising for deve lopment
Alex Pollock


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