Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 467)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 467)
intervention under occupation, for the simple reason that it
is based on the idea of by-passing the domain of state
control and authority.(38) It is premised on ae radical
challenge to the state as the legitimate organ of power and
For historical reasons this model of political organisation
has been out of favour with socialists in both the western
and eastern bloc governments. The majority of socialists in
both the eastern and western bloc countries have adopted a
conception of the state which is instrumentalist and
centralist. These broad conceptions are to be found in both
the Leninist and social democratic traditions. There are, of
course, differences in emphasis in both these traditions, for
example, social democracy emphasises the interventionist role
of the state in the field of political economy in order to
resolve key problems and contradictions which affect the
efficient operation of the capitalist . economy, whereas,
Leninism emphasises the global planning role of the state in
the management of the socialist economy and political life.
Neither of these two models has any direct bearing on 4a
development strategy under the context of occupation, since
both depend on the direct intervention of centralised and
hierarchical state agencies. Thus, while they might be
appropriate models of supplanting occupational control, in
themselves they have nothing to say about the appropriate
mode of political action and development intervention under
occupation. This is exactly what the participatory democracy
Alex Pollock


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