Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 468)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 468)
model does offer, it opens up the terrain of popular action
and strategy in a way which does not flow easily from the
centralist and statist models of Leninism and social
democracy. However, the popular democracy model need not be a
complete alternative to the other models but may in fact
offer an interim political programme in the absence of
indigenous state structures. However, it is only right to
note that in its more radical form the participatory
democracy model is trenchantly anti-centralist and anti-
To move from the general model of participatory democracy to
one which is organically linked to an agrarian development
programme requires an extremely large conceptual,
motivational and organisational shift. The central premise of
such a mode] is the belief that it igs possible to mobilise
sectors of the rural population and organisations working
among the rural population around a critical understanding of
social and economic development in such a way that. the
communities themselves learn to set the agendas, create the
organisational forms necessary for development intervention
and open up knowledge and decision-making processes to the
wider population. Such a project is extremely difficult to
achieve in practice since it means attempting to empower
people in such a way that they can redress the balance of
power and control over the institutions and individuals who
oppress and exploit them. The actual development content of
such a strategy has to emerge from the experience and
knowledge of the actors concerned. But quite clearly it is
Alex Pollock


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