Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 469)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 469)
likely to consist of struggles around some of the key
elements suggested in the basic needs strategy, e.g. health,
education, literacy, housing, employment, income
redistribution, agricultural improvement, etc.
No matter what the development content of such a programme
consists of, it could only succeed and make fundamental
political sense if it is established as part of a widely
based development movement. There are a number of inherent
dangers in the creation of such a development movement. For
example, if the movement is not guided by a clear national
and socialist programme then it could very easily get bogged
down in a purely peasant centred populist ideological focus.
Such a development movement has to locate problems and issues
not only at the village or peasant household level but also
to connect these issues with the wider socio-economic and
political context. In other words, such a movement has to
connect a socialist agrarian strategy with the wider national
issues and aspirations, since anything less than this would
lead to the peasant population being largely divorced from
wider socialist economic and political objectives (which is
exactly what the agrarian strategies of the western regimes
were designed to do).
The major issue which underpins all development work is’ the
fact that development intervention is an implacable political
action; an action in the field of practical political
economy. As we saw in the previous chapters, development
intervention, whether purely technical or social, has a
f ,
aan 460 :
Alex Pollock


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