Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 470)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 470)
tendency to bring about changes in social relationships and
on the differing levels and types of economic exploitation
and income distribution. Thus, development intervention must
not be allowed to hide behind apolitical terminology and
slogans, e.g. "aid", “technical improvement", "economic
growth", "progress", "grassroots", "meeting basic needs",
“social welfare", etc. One must continually ask the political
questions — Development for whom? Development for what? - so
that we can discern the actual social costs and consequences
of development. If we continually bear these questions in
mind the spurious expertise of the development professionals
and technocrats can be seen for what it really is: a
concealed politicism.
Socialist, like capitalist, development strategies and
interventions should be designed in such a manner that’ they
should clearly attempt to prefigure the types of social
relationships which people wish to establish and live under
in both an economic and moral-political sense. This
prefigurative dimension of socialist development strategies
is not discussed very often or with much clarity among
socialists working in the Third World. The political and
economic Right, on the other hand, have already "“prefigured",
in the so-called neutrality of the conceptual frameworks of
their political economy, the type of society they wish to
establish: a capitalist one in which profit and exploitation
is the main, if not the only, motor force in the economy.
There are many reasons why socialists have been blind to the
Ub 461
Alex Pollock


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