Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 471)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 471)
prefigurative dimension, but perhaps the most important one
has been the conditioned statist reflex which leads
socialists to reason - and while there is a strong element of
truth in this reasoning it is not the whole truth, nor
necessarily the most important part of it —- that it is
necessary to transform exploitative relationships once and
for all on a global scale through the seizure of state power.
This focus on the necessity of establishing a socialist state
has meant that most pre-state socialist programmes have not
focused either intellectually or organisationally on the form
and content of non-exploitative cooperative and communalist
forms of production, economics and politics. Anything which
takes away from the singular focus of the political
organisation for the seizure of state power is ridiculed as
reformist or worse, utopian. Yet, it seems to me that if
socialists want to change society, and be taken seriously by
the people they are working with, it is not enough to say
that society can only be changed after the nature of the
state itself has been radically transformed from a capitalist
or colonialist state to one which is socialist. While this
may be a necessary condition to establish on a global scale
the socialised nature of the economy, it is still possible to
develop experimental forms of non-exploitative relations of
production, democratic forms of collective participation and
cooperative forms of organisation which struggle for justice
and equality in the here and now; forms which I have briefly
outlined in previous chapters. In the end I believe that it
is incumbent on socialists not merely to establish a
socialist state but to show and educate people in the
362 ,
Alex Pollock


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