Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 473)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 473)
look like a modernising force, they create and maintain in
reality the structural conditions of underdevelopment and
dependency because they are premised on the fact that much of
the income from production finds its way out of the country
and back to the developed and/or colonial country through the
mechanism of repayment on loans, salaries to foreign experts
and the repatriation of profits from foreign companies, etc.
On the national and local level the movement will be
concerned to highlight and challenge the nature of social
relations which are exploitative and reinforce the conditions
of rural poverty and underdevelopment . In order to promote
this aim it will be necessary to establish peasant leagues,
unions and associations which can organise against the forces
which exploit the peasantry. Such organisations will attempt
to establish cooperative and market ventures on the
principles of just distribution, egalitarianism and
democratic control and management in order to by-pass the
power of landlords, merchants and urban- elites. On the
technical level, grassroots organisations will be very
careful about introducing technical improvements willy-nilly
into the agrarian sector, since they know from the experience
of their own and other Third World countries that most
technological development has redistributive effects which
tend to favour the wealthier farmers, landlords and
merchants. An effective agrarian movement would always
attempt to gauge the likely effects of new techniques’ and
biochemical developments on the relations of production, the
social division of labour and employment, market structures,
farm eco-systems, health risks, etc.
464 | CP Meee.
Alex Pollock


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