Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 474)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 474)
The major distinction between socialist and capitalist roads
to development is that under capitalism (in all its Third
World forms, 1.e. imperialism, neo-colonialism and
colonialism) development is a technical-instrumental problem
of capital management and the creation of profit. While for
socialists, deve lopment is a problem of politico-—
conscientization: a problem of people. Thus, the main
distinction between socialist and capitalist development
strategies is whether one develops production for the benefit
of a wealthy few or whether one develops production for the
benefit of the population as a whole. While it is clear that
people cannot develop a decent human life without fairly
sophisticated levels of shared production, people do exist in
de-humanising conditions of squalid impoverishment under
capitalist and colonialist regimes of consumptive plenitude.
For socialists this is unacceptable on moral, political and
economic grounds.
Alex Pollock


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