Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 476)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 476)
Participation", in Teodor Shanin, Ed., Peasants and Peasant
Society, (London, 1973).
13. Holdcroft, op cit. pp.5i-53.
14. There are a number of key monographs on the impact of
the "Green Revolution", among them are; Andrew Pearce, Seeds
of Plenty Seeds of Want, (Oxford, 1980), Keith Griffin, The
Political Economy of Agrarian Change, (London, 1974), and, B.
H. Farmer, Ed., Green Revolution? Technology and Change in
the Rice Growing Areas of Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka (London,
1977) .
15. Terry J. Byres & Ben Crow, The Green Revolution in
India, (Milton Keynes, 1983), pp.7-8.
16. Quoted in Ibid. p.8.
17. Ibid. pp.9-16 for a detailed explanation of the
biological nature of the Green Revolution.
18. Ibid. p.9.
19. Alex Pollock, “Sharecropping in the North Jordan
Valley: Social Relations of Production and Reproduction",
forthcoming in Pandeli and Kathy Glavanis, Eds., Agrarian
Relations in the Middle East, (London, forthcoming).
20. See, John Harriss, Capitalism and Peasant Farming,
(Oxford, 1982), pp.149-210.
21. Ibid. pp.i49-50.
22. Griffin, op cit. pp.48-61.
23. Ibid. pp.27-30, 38-39, 226-229.
24. See, Henry Berstein, "Notes on Capital and Peasantry",
in John Harriss, Ed., Rural Development (London, 1982),
25. The most’ sustained critical analysis in the social
Alex Pollock


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