Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 477)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 477)
sciences which utilizes the basic needs concept within a more
general framework of political economy is, Richard Sandbrook,
The Politics of Basic Needs, (London, 1982).
26. oD. P. Ghai, "What is a Basic Needs Approach to
Development all About?", in ILO, The Basic Needs Approach to
Development, (Geneva, 1977), pp.1-8.
27. Reginald H. Green, "Basic Human Needs: Concept or
Slogan, Synthesis or Smokescreen", in IDS Bulletin, 9, 4
(June 1978), pp.7-8.
28. Sandbrook, op cit. pp.16-18
29. Ibid. pp.7-8.
30. Colin Leys, "Challenging Development Concepts", in IDS
Bulletin, 11, 3 (July 1980), pp.21-22.
31. The ILO has produced an enormous amount on _ the
conceptualization and measurement of basic needs, in fact
most of their country analyses now attempt to incorporate the
basic needs concept.
32. Sandbrook, op cit. pp.9-13.
33. See, Marc Nerfin, Ed., Another Development: Approaches
and Strategies, (Uppsala, 1977).
34. See, Sandbrook op cit. pp.16-18.
35. In 1982 the USA provided 8302 million US dollars for
official development assistance. This is more than twice the
amount of any other OECD country. The combined official
development assistance for the 17 member countries of the
OECD was 27,919 million US dollars and the USA portion
accounted for almost 30%. Thus we can see the importance, in
raw statistical terms at least, of the USA in channelling
development aid. Source, "Table 18. Official Development
vA, 468
Alex Pollock


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