Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 481)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 481)
structures as being generated from one central generative
mechanism rather than seeing causality as structured and
stratified by a plurality of generative mechanisms and their
interactions. This is most clear in the case of Alavi who
develops a general theory of the colonial mode of production
to explain the underdevelopment and disarticulation of the
Indian economy to British imperialism. But, as Bob Jessop has
shown in a different context, this method "actually entails
conf lating the determinancy of the real wor ld with
determinancy as a property of a given theoretical system,
thereby aiming to explain the former in terms of the latter.
In order not to fall into this trap of theoretical
subsumption and to resolve the issue on both a conceptual and
methodological level, I work with a restricted concept of
mode of production which is concerned to explain social
relations in the process of production and use the concept of
articulation to explain the causal interaction and effects
which occur between different generative mechanisms and
structures (instances). In this way, we can work out” the
effects of different structures upon each other without
recourse to reductionism or theoretical subsumption. Thus, I
show how the different forms of non-capitalist modes of
peasant production have been formally subsumed by
merchant/usurer capital. I also show how the familial sexual
division of labour (based almost exclusively on the
Subordination of women) in the subsistence production sector
of the economy has facilitated the intensification of
exploitation and appropriation in the commodity production
472 y f :
Alex Pollock


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