Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 482)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 482)
sector. The method of articulation (retroduction) allows us
to look at the internal dynamics of these structures (i.e.
modes of production, circuits of commercial and interest-
bearing capital and subsistence production) and explain the
effects their interaction has both in the internal structures
and on the relations between the different structures.
In attempting to lay down this research agenda I think I can
claim that I have been relatively successful in applying this
methodology to chapters 1-5 of the thesis. There are of
course still a number of problems with my presentation which .
I have not adequately resolved. The most important of these
has to do with the research method adopted rather than with
the conceptualisation per se. The empirical data for the
production of this thesis were largely constructed from a
regional census. There are some problems with this source.
The most serious drawback is that, while I have an abundance
of statistical data on a variety of elements entailed in the
relations of production and reproduction of social
relationships, these data do not allow us to look in great
detail at the social relationships themselves. They allow us
to quantify social relationships without looking at the
quality and nuances between social relationships. The method
has led to a focus on the technical and economic components
of social relationships without examining in detail the
political, cultural and ideological components in any real
conceptual and empirical depth. To do this effectively would
have required research methods based on participant
observation or field work using an ethnographic approach. To
Alex Pollock


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