Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 483)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 483)
compensate for these failings I did a number of in-depth
interviews with selected informants. However, these are
subject to the biases and ideological proclivities of the
informants and are not particularly objective. Having said
this, I still feel that the methods I have used have
facilitated the identification and explanation of the
economic level of articulation. However, the thesis does
remain weak at the political and ideological levels of
The function of the remaining chapters in the construction of
the thesis was to serve a different purpose. Chapter 6 is
necessary inasmuch as the empirical data contained in it
sustain a number of hypotheses - crop specialisation,
increasing dependency on the export market and the changeover
to plastic irrigation systems — associated with the impact of
the Green Revolution on the region.
The final three chapters (7-9) attempt to bring out some of
the implications of attempting to engage in development work
under settler-colonialism and long-term occupation. Chapters
7 and 8 look at strategies related to the problem of
squatting/housing and literacy. The final chapter addresses
the issue of attempting to establish alternative non-statist
socialist development strategies in the region. This is done
by way of an examination and critique of the development
strategies associated with Community Development, Green
Revolution and Basic Needs programmes.
Alex Pollock


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