Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 484)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 484)
The strategic dimension is not logically linked to the
analysis of the articulation of modes of production in the
region in the sense of being necessarily connected. Indeed it
is impossible to make this type of connection between
analysis and prescription logically deductive. The analysis
of the social formation onthe basis of the forms of
articulation found in the region describes the structures and
relationships which are present and operating in the region.
The socialist strategic alternative is largely a prescriptive
approach about how to change these conditons and structures
in a way which empowers the peasantry and qualitatively
decreases their relations of exploitation without
transforming the basic relations of ‘production in a
structural way, i.e. i1t is not a revolutionary programme.
These prescriptions could equally be based on another set of
goals. Whichever development agenda is finally settled on
will be the result of the struggles (ideological, political,
economic and military) between the Palestinian peasantry and
their "representatives" and the groups who exploit and
oppress them.
Alex Pollock


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