Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 519)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 519)
$y PU] tel pr WLW! els, Ja — 17
F ULE Gey ey Et eg be — 11
¢( 9) LEI! OI LiLsy Ly GUL Lperdy ctl class! Ge be 16
( sae) $ SEI Gd FpaS col Lpeods Ql clea! Ge be — Jo
wtle LItiol, ut > Qo! Cl tc! pa be dedsye | Wis! GJ! WLLL, — 41
S instar! cis
Tobe Qed I) tes Jobe jy od Ue NY
pl peSI Sep ole Genl piSs BSL! slit ge Geld! gard! Ue — 1A
oT Ragline Slee ybsst Jala, caer ulsl
ows yl pdt sl Geaclt! fas lL.
¢ lot ge 85> GI owe Je —-14
ym beng 5 Beaded! Gel Jl tne be, oles eh be, etl Ge — Te
SU pened! Uneasy eye , dds +> o> —-Y)
( >) $ hada, sFgutg etens Yt ppe YO, J pared ores lol. yy
(94>) C petite Laois ul eed elas! ye be TY
Alex Pollock


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