Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 548)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 548)
Table 28: Percentage of Barley Exported by Agrarian Class
Percentage Share- Farming- Cash Smalt- Farming- Total
cropper Shepherd Tenant holder Landlord
None 22 1 5 2 33
5-9 1 - - - - 1
Col. total 23 1 3 5 2 34
Table 29: Percentage of Other Field Crops Exported by Agrarian Class
Percentage Share- Farming- Cash Small- Farming- Total
cropper Shepherd Tenant holder Landlord
None 14 2 - 4 1 21
Col. total 14 2 - 4 1 21
Table 30: Tomato Irrigation System by Agrarian Class
System Share- Farming- Cash Smal1- Farming- Total
cropper Shepherd Tenant holder Landlord
Drip 371 10 37 69 8 495
Furrow 12 - 1 5 - 18
Not ascert. 7 1 1 - - 9
Col. total 390 li 39 74 8 522
Alex Pollock


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