Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 555)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 555)
use in this earlier period was less heavy because the
agrarian system during that time was largely based on rain-
fed agricultural crops, such as wheat and barley (which were
predominant), although there was still some vegetable crop
production using the earth furrow irrigation system.
When Israel occupied the Golan and the West Bank in 1967 the
state resolved amajor military-hydraulic imperative, by
securing for the nation access to two major sources of water,
and, at the same time, it won amajor strategic military
victory ‘over the other three riparian states, viz. Syria,
Lebanon and Jordan.(7) The result of this victory was that
Israel firstly secured access to the Banias tributary of the
River Jordan, secondly removed the Syrians from their
fortified positions on the Golan Heights overlooking Lake
Tiberias, thus forestalling any attempt by them to divert the
head-waters of the River Jordan and, thirdly obtained
absolute control over the West Bank aquifer system.(8) The
importance of these achievements in terms of the Israeli
water economy cannot be overestimated, since on the one
hand, the River Jordan meets about "oo, one half of the
combined water demand of both Israel and Jordan, while on the
other hand, it is estimated that a third of Israel's water
needs are provided from the West Bank aquifer system. "(9)
At the present time the West Bank aquifer system is utilised
to meet the main domestic, industrial and agricultural needs
of the Palestinian population and a significant portion of
Israel's internal water requirement. It is against the
UA 546
Alex Pollock


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