Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 558)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 558)
productively. There is still a good deal of agricultural
extension and educational work to be done in this respect,
particularly with farmers tied to the canal system.
If we consider the agricultural water source according to
agrarian class characteristics we find that the majority of
cash tenants (59%) obtain their agricultural water supply
from bore wells and in relative terms they are much =wmore
likely to utilise bore welis than any other agrarian class.
However, this does not reflect any fundamental class
differentiation, rather, it is a question of geography and
location. Cash tenants are predominantly located in the
villages of Zbeidat and Marj Najeh. These two villages have
neither access to the water of the al Fara’a canal nor do
they have access to natural springs, thus the villages mainly
tap ground-water sources by means of bore wells. Other than
this there are no fundamental differences between the supply
of agricultural water among the different agrarian class
groupings. (10)
Only 11% of peasant farmers have access to alternative
sources of water supply and 84% are restricted to the supply
they have at the present time (see Table 2). Farming—
landlords are more likely than any other class category to
have access to alternative water supplies with slightly more
than a fifth having such an alternative available to them.
However, the absolute numbers are very small and therefore
not significant in regional terms.
949 . ve |
Alex Pollock


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