Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 560)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 560)
that they only suffered from this problem in the summer
season. However, we must assume that they mean early summer
or late spring since very little agricultural activity takes
Place in the north Jordan Valley during the hottest part of
the summer season. At first sight it might appear unusual
that 6% of farmers claimed that they suffered water shortages
through the winter and a further 8% said that they suffered
Table 4: Feriod of Water Shortage by Aaqrarian Class
Period Share- Farming- Cash Smallholder Farming- Total
cropper shepherd Tenant landlord
Summer 42 ~ 4 8 2 36
Autumn 12 - 3 3 - 18
Winter 10 - 1 2 - 13
Spring 1 - 1 - - 2
All year 64 3 2 22 2 93
Not asc. 30 3 3 7 1 44
Total 159 & 14 42 va) 226
from water shortages in the autumn. This could be due to two
factors. In the first instance, the year during which the
research was undertaken had an uncharacteristically arid
winter and farmers' responses to this question might reflect
this fact rather than a longer term aspect of their farm
activity. Second, it could be the case that this does reflect
an agronomic reality, particularly among those farmers who
are engaged in rain-fed agriculture in which rainfall is a
critical factor during the crop production cycle. The seeds
of rain-fed crops such as barley and wheat lie dormant until
there is sufficient rainfall which causes the seeds to
Alex Pollock


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