Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 561)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 561)
germinate and thus bear fruit. If there is no rainfall or
very little rainfall then the growth and productivity of the
crop will be restricted. Thus, it is quite likely that those
farmers who are complaining of water shortages in the winter
and autumn are farmers engaged in rainfed agriculture.
The class determination of water shortage is again nothing
very much to do with class specifities, rather it is once
more a question of geography and location. Thus, 21% of cash
tenants suffer from water shortage during the autumn season
and this is three times-higher in relative terms’ than
sharecroppers and smallholders. The reason for this is that
cash tenants are most commonly located in Zbeidat and Marj
Najeh and get their water supply from bore wells. Until the
winter rains, particularly after an arid year or two, the
water table in the aquifer system is normally lower and the
water quantity of available water is reduced. Thus, these
farmers are often dependent on the winter rains to raise the
water table level in the aquifer system in order to secure an
adequate water supply for the coming agricultural season.
Apart from the very specific case of cash tenants there are
no major differences between the agrarian classes, since
between 40-52% of most class categories experience a water
shortage all year round.
However, it is important to note that the shortage of water
is not the result of a natural shortage brought about by
climatic conditions. The shortfall of water for peasant
farmers is the direct result of military orders which
Alex Pollock


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