Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 564)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 564)
ownership to categorize those individuals who own, rather
than juridicially control water resources and water rights.
Thus, economic ownership refers to economic class control of
water resources.
If we consider economic ownership of the region's Palestinian
bore wells we find that 62% of peasant farmers get their
water supply from wells which are owned by regional landlords
(see Table 6), 17% get their water supply from wells owned by
the village as a whole, 15% get their water supply from some
other category of owner, 1% get their supply from a well they
own themselves and a further 1% get their supply from a local
resident who owns a well.
Table 6: Economic Ownership of Bore Wells by Agrarian Class
Owner Share- Farming- Cash Smallholder Farming- Total
cropper shepherd Tenant ‘landlord
Landiord 136 4 7 7 3 157
Sel f - - - 1 1 2
Local Arab 1 1 - - _ 2
Village 14 1 13 i2 i 43
Other 23 i =) 8 1 39
Not asc. 8 - - 4 ~ 12
Total 184 7 26 32 é 259
These figures bring out very clearly the dominance of the
region's landlords' economic ownership of Palestinian bore
wells. Moreover, it is a minority of the region's landlords,
normally the more powerful and wealthier ones, who
economically control these ground-water resources. Since
Alex Pollock


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