Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 565)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 565)
water is a scarce factor in agricultural production,
ownership and control of this means of production is another
factor in augmenting landlords' already significant economic,
political and social power.
There are very significant class differences and determinants
between the agrarian social classes in terms of the economic
ownership of their agricultural water source. For instance,
75% of sharecroppers get their water source from wells
controlled by landlords, while only 22% for smallholders, 27%
for cash tenants, 90% for farming-landlords and 57% for
farming~shepherds. The absolute control of landlords over
sharecropper's water supply is seen to be even stronger if we
consider the fact that of those who get their water supply
from landlords, 87% are sharecroppers. This is larger than
the proportion of sharecroppers in the total agricultural
population in general.
An inverse relation emerges when we look at the second most
common category of economic ownership, 1.¢e. economic
ownership by the village itself. Here we find that only 9% of
sharecroppers get their water supply from this source, while
50% of cash tenants and 38% of smallholders get their water
supply from this source. However, it should be borne in mind
that Zbeidat and Marj Najeh are the two villages where the
village as a whole owns the local well and in these villages
cash tenants and smallholders are significant. Only two
farmers, one smallholder and one farming-landlord owned their
own well.
556 | ZF
Alex Pollock


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