Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 2)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 2)
The West Bank has a unique geography characterized by rough
topography, eratic rainfall and scarcity of "available" irrigation
water. About 96 percent of all cultivated area is dependent on
rainfall, and because of severe restrictions on water use there
is little scope for expanding irrigated agriculture in the near
Rainfed patterns of agriculture are characterized by low
profitability, high risk margins and the need for large amounts
of labour. This study has demonstrated that only a few patterns
of rainfed farming (e.g. grapes, cantaloupe, sheep) are profitable
at a commercial scale, where others command, at most, modest
profit margins.
Development of West Bank agriculture is hampered by a severe
conflict on local resources, especially land, water and labour.
By exercising control on the West Bank's economic and institutional
structures, Israel has been able to enact a wide range of policies
bearing on land and water use, finance, marketing, and agricultural
services, all serving Israel's interests, often at the expense
of local inhabitants.
The argument for reactivating rainfed farming in the West Bank
is justified more by political and sociological motives than by
pure economic incentives. Accordingly, the cost for developing
agriculture may be viewed as a national liability rather than an
entrepreneurial activity. This entails strong commitments to
provide ample finance at subsidized terms, establish stronger
trading relations with Jordan, and provide more vigorous support
to cooperatives, educational and research institutions.
This research describes a strategy for development of West Bank
agriculture within a scenario of continued occupation, and
describes institutional changes which are deemed necessary to
facilitate agricultural development. It also contains a detailed
list of projects and measures aimed at reactivating specific
sectors of agriculture. The ensuing financial obligations for
implementing the proposed developments are estimated at JD 20
millions, amortized over a period of three years. The researcher
believes that anticipated returns warrant the projected costs.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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