Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 14)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 14)
West Sank statisti
pureau of Statistics in Jerusales ;
population in Septeaber 1967 -
conducting a census of
he most comprehensive reference
results of that census constitute t!
on the demographic and housing characteristics of the occupied
territories, as they were shortly after
rusted with collecting and publishing a wide
oceupation, Since then,
‘the CBS has been ent!
range of statistics on the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
statistics are published in two periodicals:
Administered Territories Statistics Quarterly and the Statistical
Abstract of Israel. It should be emphasized, however, that in the
researcher's opinion the validity of statistics collected by the
CBS is not notably high”. Besides a lack of adequate staff and
AS personnel receive very little cooperation from a
highly suspicious population. Nevertheless, the said publications
remain the major source of statistics on the occupied territories,
and most of their data are reliable enough to indicate general
‘trends, which should then be further qualified through direct field
from the £1 i
Ales and records available at the district office
the Department of Agriculture,
researchers. A noted
oftice ia the Research vera Director of the West Bank
me late ees tnd aed We
Private meeting in the sct™t Tenark to the ering Mith Vivian
mer of Task, *@ the researcher in a
It should be noted that data obtained from Government offices were
channelled despite strict orders not to release any information to
anyone without prior consent of Israeli officials. Close personal
relations with most workers in the offices of agriculture and
cooperatives have been very hdpful for the researcher in overcoming
this difficulty. Needless to say, therefore, the researcher has a
moral obligation not to identify, in writing, such sources of
information. For this reason, it was decided to refer to the files
of respective departments without a further indication to the
source. Even this could entail some risk.
Pre-occupation data on the West Bank is available in reports released
by Jordan's specialized goverment bodies, mainly the Department
of Statistics and the Ministry of Agriculture. The former
publishes an annual statistical yearbook and a large mmber of other
specialized reports. Although population data was sufficiently
detailed to give an overview of West Bank districts, economic data
published by the Statistics Department was presented in a combined
aggregate form which made it difficult to isolate the West Bank's
data. Fortunately, this was not the case with production statistics
released annually by the Ministry of Agriculture, which produced
detailed annual data on acreage and output of all common types of
farming in various districts. West Bank production data is available
up until 1966."
Israeli economic literature
The advent of Israeli occupation has stimulated a profuse amount of
1. Summarized in the Agricultural Atlas of Jordan, 1974, (Aman:
Ministry of Agriculture, 1975).
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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