Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 15)
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- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 15)
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economic research asong Israeli intellectuals, journalists, and
officials, This was particularly noticeable during the early
years of occupation when many were attracted by the potentially
far-reaching Ampact of occupation on the economics of Israel
and the occupied territories themselves. Among the first
ploneering studies in this field were those of Kanovsky' and Ben
The above mentioned reports dealt with the economic issues
emerging after the 1967 war, with noted emphasis on their effects
OM Israel's economy under alternative political scenarios. Although
of value to politicians and macro-economists, those studies comand
Little value to researchers concerned with specific economic
sectors, such as West Bank agricil ture.
‘A prominent source of information on West Bark econoaic structure is
‘the Research Departeent in the Bank of Israel, which has established
@ special office for monitoring the econonics of the occupied
area, The former director of this office, Arie Breguan, published
& series of two reports in the early seventies under the title of
"The toonomy of the Administered Areas’'.? Areguan's reports were
sddely quoted and have become aajor references on the subject,
especially for foreign researchers.
1B Kanoveky et al: of the war,
(New York: Praeger, 1970),
2. H Ben Shahar et al: Economic Structure and Development of the
‘West Bark and Gaza Strip, (Santa Monica: Rand Corporation, 1971)+
3. Arie Bregaan, The Econmy of the Adwinistered Areas, (Jerusalem:
Research Department in the Hank of Israel, 1973 and 1974).
‘Though more reserved than publications published by the Military
Headquarters, Bregnan's reports are also characterized by a
somewhat propagandist image. His estimates of economic growth,
supposedly around 18 percent per annum (at fixed prices) have been
criticized for over-optimism. Van Arkadie, for example, believes
that the real figure may not exceed 9 percent. (This point will be
elaborated further in Chapter 5).
The least authentic sources of information on economic transformation
in the occupied territories are those released by the Military
Headquarters at Beit Eil. ‘The Military Command appears obsessed
with portraying its rule in the occupied territories as a historic
blessing which has brought about a revolutionary advance in what
previously was a backward economy with a retarded standard of
living.! Much has been published on that theme by various specialized
departments at Heit Eil and by the Israeli press. Among the least
modest of all are reports published by the Department of Agriculture
in the Military Comand. A recent publication by the chief of the
Planning Unit in the Department of Agriculture estimates a rate of
growth in agriculture income during 1968-76 at 15.5 percent and
proudly concludes that such a rate of growth is ‘unparalleled in
the world."
Foreign Literature
Foreign interest in the West Bank's economy has been mich less
profound than in its politics. Although a great many articles
1. Bxample: ‘The years of Israeli administration have already
produced the period of greatest prosperity in the history of
the West Bank and the Gaza Strip". Source: Information
Briefing 28: Facts about the Administered Areas (Israel
p 24.
‘tment of Agri ture in - تاريخ
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- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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