Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 16)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 16)
- المحتوى
have been written on the
‘economic resources (watery
work has been of 2 journalistic styler i
hors’ judgements on the
al exceptions,
nature of Israeli
substantiate the aut!
put there are sever!
pull, Tima and Drabkin, and Wilson.
guch as the work of
van Arkadie, Vivian
van Arkadie's book! vas written in 1975 on the basis of some
weeks of fieldwork in the West Bank. As spelled out in its title,
it is concerned mostly with evaluating positive and negative
consequences of Israeli occupation on the economics of Israel
and the territories in question, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Van Arkadie makes the important distinction between short-term
and long-term economic consequences. while he demonstrates that
economic benefits of occupation to Israel outweigh costs encountered,
he points out that the impact on the occupied territories themselves
is far more mixed and intricate. In the short term the two
territories (West Bank and Gaza) have achieved rather high rates
©f growth although he believes growth was mich less tae
‘than Israel's claim (see later section on Post-war economics)
whewed by Van Arkadie, is mich less encouragi
" industry does not enj on
‘Because local ry *t enjoy the benefits of protecti
from Israeli
competition, or access to Israeli subsidies, the
Conese a Strie Ee i Btkdene: A Report on the
Cltvesie imines St Etetey get Ae
national Peace (Washington:
+ 1977),
growth of some sectors of the territories" economies will be
"Purely economic interests of the two territories would be well-
served by some major modifications in the prevailing network, and
without such modifications and without reorientation of present
trends, both territories’ economies face a prospect of qualitative
deterioration in some sectors:
"Indeed the existing situation itself may be economically
disadvantageous for the territories over the long-term for the
reasons suggested in this study.">
Although van Arkadie's critical evaluation of the occupation's
‘economic consequences of the West Sank and Gaza Strip is expressed
in various subtle ways all through his book, the reader is left
with the impression that the writer would have had more to say had
it not been for the constraints of "fairness" and "even-handedness"
implicitly attached to his terms of reference by his American
sponsor.* Furthermore, Van Arkadie could have produced a more
illuminating study had he been able to reach primary sources of
fis a rewritten
Vivian Bull's book, "The West Bank - Is it Viable:
version of a Ph.D. thesis which she submitted in 1974 to New York
University Graduate School of Business Administration. Going
further beyond the question of viability, the author gives a brief
1, Ibid, p 142.
2. Ibid, p 146.
3. bid, p 154.
4. Vivian Bull, (Lexington - Massachusetts; Lexington Books, 1975).
* Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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