Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 19)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 19)
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i rs provide
ticularly high quality these papers P:
Although not of a par
a very limited library.
arious forms of damage inflicted
The common theme in
a useful addition to
all of them is to describe the vi
on West Bank agriculture as 4 result of Israeli occupation.
Although they offer broad recommendations on ways and means which
could help reactivate respective sectors, none of these papers
provides an adequate basis for the purpose of initiating or accelerating
growth in the West Bank agriculture. The danger is, in fact,
that local researchers display an excessive desire to compile
charges against Israel for its "wrong-doings" in the area, and
thereby promote apathy. The present researcher believes that local
researchers have a distinctive advantage in being present in the
West Bank. As such they should undertake the more critical
assignment of conducting probles-oriented research addressed to
meet felt needs instead of diverting their scanty resources to
Arab Literature
Te Baker fms th eiretc,
Prospects (ersale: fs Seelam nt evelopment
2. Hishan fucartart, 4 ).
“e Porn, Tea AE Poli they (Jerusales:
4 AB beaten,
a resurgence of Palestinian identity in the West Bank. With the
exception of some purely technical work done in agricultural
Yesearch stations (mainly on irrigated vegetables), most
developmental research was confined to the East Bank itself.
Jordan developed a new interest in West Bank's economy and resources
after it was taken over by Israel in 1967. This responsibility
was delegated to the Economic Department of the Royal Scientific
Society (RSS), which has produced five papers during the past six
With the exception of their publications on West Bank economic
resources (see list in the footnote), all KSS publications on the
occupied territories are merely interpretations of data released
by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). In this respect, they
Prove no less deficient than foreign researchers, in fact maybe
more so, since they refrained from sending researchers to the
territories and they made inadequate use of resident sources of
information. Nevertheless, RSS interest in the economics of the
Occupied territories meets a felt need for politicians on the Arab
side of the conflict, by providing them with a large volume of
background information.
1. a. “ A'’mireh, M, et al, The Impact of Israel's Economic Policies
on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, (Aman: Royal Scientific
Society, 1978).
b. Anonymous, The Economics of the Occupied Territories, (Aeman
Poyal Scientific Society, 1975).
Cc. Anonymous, Economic Resour: of the Bark thei:
Impect. on the Israeli Heonoey,
on the Israeli (Amman: Royal Scientifi.
Society, 1979). =
d. Anonymous, The Hos:
Society, 1961).
e. J Salem, Agriculture, Land and Water Resources of the West
Bark, (feman Royal Scientific Society, 1981).
(Amman: Royal Scientific
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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