Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 20)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 20)
~~ *
the Palestine Libera!
interest in researchi!
pursue this interest in a
tion Organization (PLO) has
displayed considerable i
in the occupied territories:
ng various development
To help
systematic manner, the PLO established its own Research Centre in
Beirut, one of the most authoritative references on the West Bank's
socio-econonic transformations during the Jordanian and early
Israeli rules is the dock by Janil Hilal which the PLO published
in 1975.1
nalysis of the West Bank's demographic and economic
transformations which were precipitated during Jordan's lop-sided
and often oppressive rule is fascinating and has become a major
reference on the econonics and social history of the area during
that period. Though his coverage of the post-occupation era is
Partial (1967-74) he has, nevertheless, produced a comprehensive
analysis of developments taking place shortly following occupation.
He describes at length
the evacuationary character of Israeli
occupati 5 . .
‘pation, which he believes is a distinctve feature compared with
classic i
sical forns of colonialisa. He therefore demonstrates that
srael's policies in the territories, especially those related to
their economies,
reason why it has not gained wider publicity in the Middle East
is that it is available only in English.
Notwithstanding Hilal's deep insight into the political background
of West Bank economics, including the agricultural sector, it is
clear that the book falls far short of analyzing the situation of
individual farming patterns. Furthermore, as its author had been
deprived of access to primary sources of information, he also has
had to rely almost exclusively on Israeli data for his treatment
of the post-occupation era. Accordingly, the usefulness of the book
as a reference for planning agricultural development is limited,
but it remains an invaluable reference on the West Bank's political
economy during a sensitive period of its history.
Rainfed Agriculture
The researcher has had access to a large number of technical
papers dealing with the various aspects of rainfed farming. Among
the most valuable references in this respect were the papers
submitted to the FAO Regional Seminar on Rainfed Agriculture,
held in Anman in September, 1979. Through the courtesy of FAO's
Regional Office in Cairo the researcher received copies of all 37
Papers presented in that seminar. Some of them were very useful,
whether as sources of information or new ideas. Prominent examples
NR Carpenter: An Outline Proposal for a Systematic Approach to
the Development of Rainfed Areas of the Near East.
ch Krishnamoorthy: Cropping Systems for Optimum Utilization of
Resources under Semi-arid Qoncitions.
David Gibbon: An Approach to the Improvement of Rainfed Agriculture
Systems in the Medeterranean Region.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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