Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 21)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 21)
into Rainfed Agricultural
A J Saith: The Integration of experts on olives. It contains an extensive volume of information
' on areas and production, vari i
systens. renentary Irrigation Systens production, varieties, cultural practices, common
HM Sawafs Attempt! Pests, pressing techniques and marketing problems. A large
ds in Sone Arid Zones+ section of pages is devoted to describe its literary and religious
painfed Farming.
Aspects of values to Arabs, Moslems and Christians.
in Orchar:
MC Simpson: Socio-economic
Shanout: Jordan's Emperience in Rainfed Agriculture.
+ Despite its outstanding reputation which has lasted for many years
Israeli sources. ined z
papers were procured from since it was first published, Taher's Olive Tree has not been updated
Many other technical
i centre for ae 5
‘Among the most useful were the papers obtained from the or revised since it appeared in 1945, In view of the massive
. 1
the \olcani Institute in Israel. technological advances in agriculture during the last three decades
Horticultural Research at
i and drastic changes in the input/output price relationships, it has
Literature specific to olives is not scarce though it rarely
lost much of its real value as a reference on the technology and
enbodies tangible breakthroughs anywhere similar to those in, for
economics of olive culture, though, it certainly remains a respected
ample, irrigated agriculture or livestock husbandry. The West
neste naan landmark in the economic and cultural history of Palestine.
Bank Department of Agriculture published two extension papers on
recommended cultural practices, which were translated from old A particularly useful reference on the actual planning of rainfed
Hebrew pamphlets. This is evident, for example, in their unwarrented agriculture is a series of district reports on the socio-economic
recommendation for repeated ploughing of olive orchards, with total feasibility of developing rainfed agriculture in Jordan. This set
disregard to costs. Birzeit University has published a study q of studies was conducted by a team of highly qualified technicians
which deals with socio-economic implications of olive culture in linda: the: allspices ft Arab) Gryantention: Zor ‘next cat vuret.
Development.! Evaluation tools were largely drawn from Gittinger's
book on Economic Analysis of Agricultural Projects.” Many of the
ideas envisaged by the AOAD team proved useful to the researcher
Palestine.” This report is rather journalistic and avoids
discussion of technical details.
‘The most authoritative review on Palestine olives is certainly the in formulating specific schemes for developing the West Bank's
book bj i A
vy Nasouhi Taher on The Olive Tree.? This book of over 300 rainfed agriculture.
Pages. ws written in the titles by one of the net epatabte
1. An example on this set is the following:
1. Noted examples (all publi
Israel): shed by Volcani Institute, Bet Dagany ani
a. A Blunfeld et al, Ethyi, A Technical and Feasibility Study of Rainfed Agriculture in Balga and
Fruits. ei i Qlive Trbid Districts, (Khartoum: Arab Organization for Agricultural
b, S Lavee et al, studies wi E Development, 1978)+
in et al. with Eu aay 5
c- I Klein et al, The Effect of ne for Facilitating Olive H Kh hesingnt a aieot eile) Pesieces:
Fertilizer: i
Fertilizers on Olive Prodiction~ and Potassium (London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977).
2. Somaya Nasser, Palesti
S ne Oli:
—ilives : Be
S (West Bank: Birzeit Universi tys1979)*
3 Nasouhi Taher, The Olive Tree (Jat
Taher Library Press, 1945)+
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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