Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 24)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 24)
- المحتوى
fire talk
seies and subsequent cease %
armed host
ee eas « divided into three separate
in 1949, mandatory palestine
the following are:
political entities ith
are Kilometers Percent of total
Square Kilonese= a oi tote
Israel 20,258
? 21.3
West Bank 5,572
? Lea
Gaza Strip 362
‘The area of the West Bank, as reported above, includes the area
of Fast Jerusalem (67 square kilometers) which was annexed to
Israel two weeks after occupation.
Im June 1967 Israel achieved a major victory in a brief war with
Syria, Jordan and Egypt. In the aftermath of that war, Israel
was able to stretch its borders considerably by occupying the Golan
Heights, the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula. The new
Seasefire lines encompassed an area of 89,359 square kiloneters,>
which is more than four tines larger than the area of pre-67
Israel (see Map No 2).
The West Bank consists of
1s statisti
cal Abstract
Statistics, 1980) pg EL: (Jerusalem: Centray Bureau of
* Gnsus of
Central Bites ope ~ est
de fa Of Statistioay Sree — Strip, (Jerusal
eR oop 1) p ix.
erusatens Contras pe Hous 19
AY Bateau of Sele = East Jorusal
5. The tatisticey pq salem
1" (2)
Pont 1007 War
Partition P
rel Aviv - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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