Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 25)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 25)
_—_ °° °°; 40 . “A
pius Mountain consists of upfolds
s Nablu:
‘The northern party and isolated mountain
ena} basins, valleys aug
Below = dor
intertwined with inte!
blocks. Although this region 1S
mountain blocks have Fe
ains extending between ¥
predominantly mountainous, r
sulted in the formation
tectonic uplifts of
D0 te zen
of rel es of pli
atively large stretch
neighbouring hi ble examples are the plains of Libban,
hills. Notat ee
‘aba, Deir Sharaf,
and anabta, The fertile
Howara, Sanour, Ya
soil (mostly terra rosa) and gentle slope of these areas permit 300 to 600
patterns of farming vhich are much wore intensive than that possible
660 to 300
‘on adjacent slopes.
The structure of the southern hills, extending from Sinjel (midway eiee008
between Nablus and Ramallah) to Hebron in the south, is more
simple. It consists of a compact upfold or dome with only minor
faults. Although no plains exist in the Hill Region, relatively
large areas of gentle slopes extend over the plateau connecting
Ramallah and Jerusalen. Hard limestone and dolomite rocks prevail ISRAEL
in the higher parts of the hills, making comercial agriculture
very difficult.
Western foothills are characterized by a gentle slope,
softer i
on Tockss and a rainfall of 450 ~ 750 mm, This has permitted &
sii ‘ee of modest Aiigmons Somme’ vegetation and aiiiaal: ite
GP MeIP support a relatively dense Population. It is such hills ' = 2 pene
which constitute the bulk of cultivated land at ie penne aaa : =| SEA
Absorption of rainwater by =a
low, wai,
+ Nich '
te “sults in rapid surface runoff
Dank of the
= “Pfold ts broken by a number
and active erosion,
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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