Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 26)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 26)
ep __ra a2
parallel fault
tine intersecting the Ritt
‘of high steps along the
seca ctopn nk ta ttn cat ae HE TAY STE,
fron vest to east
fainfall of over 250 mm in most
‘he north-eastern foothills
decreases sharply
fare mot noticeably aridy th #
years, waich aston certain types of faraing reasonably economical,
A prominent example is found in the Tubas hills in the north
hich constitute a major grain and sheep production area, But
rainfall decreases to less than 200 m towards the south, which
renders land fit nerely for occasional grazing by goat and sheep
The Rift Valley lies along the eastern border of Palestine and
At As a part of the great spraintast African Rift caused by
lifting and folding movenents by the rock crust. The Jordan
Fiver passes through the middle of the Valleys comecting Lake
Neneret and the Dead Sek. It was established during the British
Mandate as the international borderline separating Trang-~Jordan
and Palestine,
The west
‘Nest tk side Of the RL¢t is narrow strip 15
12 kdtoneten
we and 75 Ktoneters long,
ee LTE ee
where surface rocks are of Limestone origin, the dominant type of
soil is the Mediterranean "terra rossa". Due to the high solubility
of calcium, terra rosa contains only 5 percent or less of calcium,
whereas it contains 50 percent of silica and 10 - 15 percent each
of aluminium and iron.’ This kind of soil is well suited for farming.
But due to its marked wilnerability to erosion and the very long
‘time it takes to generate (on the average, 1000 years to form one
contineter), cultivation on hills with a terra rosa soil requires
elaborate protective precautions. This includes the construction
Of expensive retaining walls and the growing of deep-rooted trees
Father than field crops and vegetables.
In areas with soft chalk rocks, "rendzina! soil is formed through
weathering processes. This is noticeably different from the terra
Tossa soil, since it has a higher catcium content and a more friable
structure, but it is inferior in fertility. In general though, it
is deeper than terra rossa and less affected by runoff. As such,
the xendsina sof1 can support a wider variety of cropping patterns.
‘This Kind of soil is dominant in the western foothills of Jenin,
‘Tulkara and Raallahs
S2Ls in the Jordan Valley are different from both previous types.
Due to an extensive marl cover, the so{l there is characterized
‘by high salinity (gradually increasing southward) and a clearly
Alkaline pt. Salinity is mde worse by the high salt content
Of shallow tube wells drilled by Palestinian famers prior to
Occupation. Aut in those cases where it vas possible to wash
E Ornt and & Efrat, Geography of Israel,
Universities Press, 1973), p 57.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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