Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 27)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 27)
se use of “sweet watery Jordan
cave record yields. Due
of underground water, and its
to its mild topography» t
e Rift Valley was PUty
prior to
‘onally warm winter th
under very intensive farmil
com ng and had become Jordan's
‘occupation; ;
for vegetable crops, citrus and
most inportant production area
ses of ary farming,
evel of technology and market
however, this region is of
banana. For purpo!
Little value given the present I
In general, soil quality in most rainfed hill slopes is of such
marginal depth and fertility and is so vulnerable to runoff that
much has to be done to avoid the hazards posed by these constraints,
By virtue of its geographical location near the equatorward
border of the Mediterranean Zone, the West Bank is characterized
by an extreme Mediterranean climate, This basically means a
comparatively short rainy season of 3-4 months and a long rain-
free summer. Seasonal variations in the length of day and night
are moderate, ranging from 14 hours for the longest day (June 21)
to ten hours for the shortest (Decenber 22), as compared to 18
and 6 hours respectively, in London,
explore at length in a later section.
As a result of strong insolation, temperatures are comparatively
high but they vary considerably from one region to another,
depending on altitude, exposure to marine influence and wind
There are generally three distinctive isothermic regions in the
country: western foothills, the hilly plateau, and the Jordan
Valley. The former registers an annual average of 20°C (68°F),
the hills 17°c (63°F) and the Jordan Valley an average of 25°C (77°F).
January is normally the coldest month and August is the warmest
(see Table 11-1).
Table (II
Monthly average temperatures in January and August
Pp wm 2 P fagist 2
Western foothills 53.5 12 77.0 2
Hills 48.5 9 75.5 24
Jordan Valley 55-0 13 87.5 31
Source: Orni and Efrat, op cit, p 135.
The impact on agriculture of high summer temperature, occasional
heat waves, hail storms, and frost is very grave, particularly
more so on olives and other rainfed fruit trees. This will be
analyzed later under respective sections.
The East Mediterranean coast is influenced by a number of winds,
cyclones, and anticyclones. Among the most hazardous to
agriculture, however, are the "khamaseen" and "Sharav" winds.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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