Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 29)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 29)
Jerusalem, for instance, both receive an annual average of around
350 mm (22 in), but the former over 300 days and the latter over
SO days. The nunber of rainy days ranges from 40 ~ 50 decreasing
west to east and north to south.
Snowfall is often confined to areas of higher elevation in the
Ramallah-Hebron plateau. Jerusalem receives on the average tuo
days of snowfall per year, rarely exceeding 25 ca (10 in). On
the whole snow is of little significance, whether for its water
conservation potential or, conversely, its damage to drops - hail
being far more important.
Agriculture prodiction in general is heavily influenced by rainfall
considerations. This relationship obviously is far more critical
in the case of rainfed farming, the success of which is contingent
on such rain attributes as the amount of precipitation during the
rain season, pattern of rain distribution, and intensity of
There are three parameters of rain which influence farming,namely,
average annual rainfall, patterns of distribution within the rainy
season, and intensity of rainfall.
In terms of average annual rainfall, the West Bank is relatively
humid in comparison with most other countries of the Near East
(see Table II-2). On average, two thirds of the West Bank land
area receives over 300 mm of rainfall, which is widely considered
as the threshold of aridity.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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