Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 34)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 34)
‘ q 59
4 to its slope into
givided with respec’
Agricultural jand is
1 Table (II - 6)
fom oul Land Classification according to farming capability
1. Gentle to 2670 slopes
3-108 Gla Area Percent Description
rage slopes
aa 10 - 1% I 172, 2022.9 Fit for irrigated crops and trees
a“ over 15% 11 439,774 mS pit for irrigated agriculture with
4, Very steep some restrictions
idered fit for certain
nite the first three categories are om mr 1,431,958 24.3, me for ary fasning and pares of it
for irrigatil
sate forms of farning, sary reclamation experts would consider for irrigati
nisl it for commercial farming,” .
ent as not fit for bse Iv 2,262,717 38.5 Farming potential is very limited and
on 7 aa reclamation processes are unecomonical
ce i ion looks
ia to the West Bank, the situat.
ee ne y, 591,388 10.1 Fit for grazing but not for cultivation
f its land area has a slope
since more than 60 percent 0!
loom, vw 980,734 16.7 Fit for grazing with some restrictions
, t, The problem of steep slope is
gradient of well over 15 percen! m N.B. The area reported above includes, by mistake, the area of
some Arab villages which lie beyond the pre-1967 borders.
of a large proportion of
further compounded by the predominance PI Source: Department of Agriculture
fixed bed-rock and stones.
The implications of topographic constraints on West Bank agriculture
Both of the above mentioned attributes, slope and rockiness, were
are probably more serious and less manageable than those related to
taken as the basis for an aerial photographic survey of West Bank :
rain, The following is a summary of the problems which have been
Land which was conducted by an Israeli firm shortly after occupation. sepexvediy vollced bby eeqoudenteyiand'clendiyy (deniidied’'iy the
vic . ai nt
The results of that survey” produced a detailed classification of researches
land area surrounding all W
9 all West Bank villages, The results of that 1. steep slope gradients receiving torrential rains falling after
Survey are summarized i © i
zed in Table (1-6), which shows that only 10 ‘a hot and long summer leads to the twin problems of soil
Percent of land area is fit for irrigated farming, 63 percent fit
for fa
Gry faring but with various degrees of restrictions, and 27
Percent is not fit for cultivation altogether. Although it may be
1. M Wertheiner,
Po Reet a Xerotheric qian
Regional Seminar a
,Paper submitted to the
East, Aman 5 on Rainfed
, ~ 10 May 1979, culture in the Near
% Ibid, p 4, ig
. fi
Teport, Depa: West
vinta Aoricul ture, “Tompublished nimeographed
9%) Pp 1-6,
erosion and surface runoff, Both problems have been sharply
accelerated since occupation due to the deterioration of stone
walls and the non-feasibility of restoring them. The loss of
an already shallow top soil requiring hundreds of years to
accumulate represents an irrevocable loss and a grave national
hazard. In addition to soil loss, it is estimated that 15 to
25 percent of badly needed rain water is also lost as surface
runoff on areas of steep slopes.
1. Wertheimer, op cit, p 4.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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