Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 37)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 37)
tive inthe maber of very small holdings (less than 10 donung),
this points to on of the fannental problens relating to lang
ue, aly cessive frapentation into ever smaller plots,
Ie pricy cause for this phemomeron Lies in the verbatim
promlgation of Isaac injunctions shich call for equitable
stettion of imeritance asong all heirs. Another factory
ou mich Less important in elation to cultivated land, is
casa patellig of larger boldings for purposes of Land
The division of marly all parcels in one holding among eligible
heirs tas led to extensive dispersion of fragnents in the same
holaing stich are often separated by Long distances. Although
there is wo statistical evidence on the intensity of this problen
nthe Hest fy but counting on data available for the Hast
rk bere ineritance ana are the sane, the problem is certainly.
severe, for the Est fk as a whole, the overall average munber
of fragments per telding vas estinated in 1975 at 243.7
The number of holdings showed a decline of 10 percent during the
period of 1
7, sd 8 percent in the suceseding interval of
1945-07, The routs in Table (11-9) indicate that while there
have been sight foretes in the nunber of holdings in Hebron
‘bias the sftetion in Jeruaten district recorded a shaxp
decline, This say be eplained in part by massive enigration of
Joc residents tron the Jericho aren during and after the
she ar of 1987,
4 Mir go city p 184 (ealalated from 1975 agricul tural
Table (11 = 9)
Number and distribution of holdings in 1965 and 1967
Total (Ancluding Jerusalem) 55,078 52,064
eoron ayers 9,807
Jerusaten (incl. Bethleben
‘nd Jericho) 19,219 14,923
fubius (Snel. Tulkarm and 29,984 274254
Source: 1. 10F Ooneus, op cht, Publication No 25 p 18, XII
2, Population and imployment in Agriculture 1967, op cit.
Gntinuous division of land through inheritance has not only
requlted in excessive fragnentation of holdings but also in the
Alspersion of tiny plots in the sane holding over long distances.
‘This has precipitated serious problens and constraints in the
process of agricultural development, notably the following:
1, It reduces holdings to sizes which are too small to provide
sufficient income for the farm fanily. This weakens the
heirs! incentives to develop their farns and paves the way
for many of then to desert their land and change profession.
2. The mechanization of farming operations is rendered increasingly
difficult, toth for tecnical and financial reason
‘The proliferation in the munber of disinterested Land owners
creates additional problens of communication for auxiliary
agricultural extension, credit,
infrastructures such
and marketing institutions.
4. The dispersion of plots in a holding over a wide area adda
to the difficulty and cost of reaching them and reinforces
the lack of interest anong omers in attempting comercial
patterns of faring.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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