Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 38)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 38)
As will become apparent this research has not led to a concrete Patterns of tenure
conclusion as to the ideal size of farms inaWest Bank setting. According to the Census of 1967, 43 percent of all West Bank
It is clear that there is such a wide diversity in prevailing households (47% of total population) were found to own farms
farming patterns that detailed farm management studies are (see Table II-11). The percentage was highest in Tulkarm and
needed for this purpose. Jenin districts and lowest in Ramallah and Bethlehem,
Table (II ~ 11)
Percent of households and persons with farms
Patterns of land Use
Studies on land use in the West Bank are limited and largely
. . Persons Households a
conjectural. A recent study by Tuma and Drabkin presents a crude
. 2 & with farms Total no % with farms Total no
breakdown of land use which depicts that only 340 square kilometers (km) ——
Total 47.0 C03, 392 42.8 119,171
are used for human settlements and non-agricultural purposes,
Hebron 48.1 119,317 43.2 22,904
there is 2000 km? of agricultural land, 1000 km2 of tmusable land
Jerusalem, (incl Ramallah, 41.2 176,909 38.2 36,476
and 2200 km2 of land reserve which is fit for cultivation and other Jericho and Bethlehem)
uses (see Table II-10) Nablus 46.1 153,429 43.5 29,927
Tulkarm, Jenin 53.8 153,737 47.7 29,864
Table (II - 10)
Aggregate forms of land use
Source: Population Census, op cit, Publication No 2, p 18.
Subtotal _(km2) Total area (m2) There is no reliable evidence on developments which may have taken
Agricultural uses 2000 Place in patterns of tenure following occupation. Data of the
Human settlement: 1965 census indicate that more than two thirds of all holdings are
pra 100 -_ owned by operators, and only 10% are cultivated by tenants. (see Table II-12)
Other uses: T.
‘ab: -
Roads 70 le (II - 12)
Natural preservation 50
Natural resources 30 Patterns of land tenure (1965)
Mstorseal sites ° 200 Totally Rented or Partly rented Total
Di d
Unusable 1000 strict owned share-cropped & partly owen:
T 70. 884,913
Land reserve 2200 fotal 1,350,918 165,292 368,703 1,884,
Total 5540 Distribution (%):
Hebron 80.9 7.1 12.0 100.0
Source: Tuma and Drabkin, op cit, p 58.
Jerusalem 82.1 5.5 12.4 100.0
Nablus 67.8 9.7 22.5 100.0
Jenin 51.4 14.4 33.8 100.0
Source: Agricultural Census, 1965, (Amman: Department of
Statistics) Supplement No 2 and 3. Quoted from
Jamil Hilal, p 158.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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