Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 44)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 44)
{ese than 10,000 each ant only 3D percent Live in erban sttlenents,
(ee tabte Ii-1h). tefugees in camps constitute 8.5 percent
2 total population aod 32 percent of then are classified as
chan because of their peociaity to major tows. Nomads ant
other settlers amount to 1.2 percent of the overall population.
Retugee campeurtan 19217
Retugee canpecronsctan 7221
Large villages ayer
sma vintages ars
remade 1,08
Living outside settlements 5,848 = 5,048
* Settlements were classified urban if numbered 10,000 oF more,
large villages if mumbered 5,000 = 10,000, and enall
willages if containing 30 ~ 5000 inhabitants.
Source: (DE Mest Bank Omnis, op city p X
IDE East Jerusalem Geneus, op lt, p X11.
The excessively small size of settlements ix illustrated in Table
(11 = 17) sien shows that in the fa11 of 1967 there were only
ten large villages of 5000 ~ 10,000 inhabitants and only three of
then had a population exceeding 15,000, namely, Jerusales (44,000),
Nablus (41,800), and Hebron (38,500). Sizes of towns will have
changed since 1967 but probably not noticeably so die to the
‘odest increase in population figures, Xo estimates of population
‘in individual settlenents have been made since the 10F Gensus of
Septenber 1967.
Number and types of settlements, by district
tom are seat Aatugee comps
Jenin - 2 9 1
Tutiars - 1 2
nabtus 1 1s .
Panetta 1 1 2
Jerusslen 1 - oe 2
Jericho - a 2 ‘
Pethilehen a 2 2
Hebron a 2 8 2
Tout 5 1 xe a
‘Source: IO Census, op cit, pp 0-117
The unusually large munber of nuclear rural comunities in the
est tank entails important guidelines relevant to socio-economic
evelopment. While {t points to the crucial significance of
mobilizing abundant rural human resources, it illustrates on the
‘other hand the need for efforts to be expanded in disseninating
Public utilities and basic infrastructures over a large muber
Of scattered communities. The urgency of this effort stems frou
he rapid mobility and migration of village dwellers to urban
communities in search for better standards of Living - a process
“hich has beon enhanced by the thrust of mural comunities towards
‘@>tlege education. Evidently, the aigration of the edicated rural
‘lite has precipitated serious demographic and econoaic constraints
© the patterns and pace of mural development. Among the most
Amortant objectives set forth in this study is the curtallment of
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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