Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 45)
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- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 45)
- المحتوى
rural migration through the adoption of programs which improve
Tural standards of living, while simultaneously expanding
eploitation of abundant resources.
Sex and age distribution
West Bank population is characterized by a markedly young age
composition and the preponderance of women in the age groups
ranging fron 25 - 50 years of age. Table (11-18) shows that
45.1% of population is below fourteen years, as compared with
Table (11 - 18)
Population by sex and age (in percentages)
Uecenber 31, 1979
West Bank Israeli Jews
‘Age group. Fonales Males Total Fomales Males Totals
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
O14 42.8 47.3 45.1 29.5 Bled 3064
15-29 7.8 2.8 28.8 25.3 26.3 25.8
30-44 13.7 9.8 0 LAT 124.200 1700172
45-64 1.8 92 10.5 17.9 16.2 17.0
65+ 329 39 3.9 10.1 1 7
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 1980, op cit, pp 54, 678.
only 30.4% for Israel's Jews. Whereas the percentage of the
Population in the productive age groups ranging from 30 ~ 64 years
drops considerably below that of Israeli Jews (22.2% vs. 34.1%),
which is a clear indication of the high rate of emigration by males
Of this age in pursuit of employment abroad. Another important
‘Cause of the young composition of population is the very high
tate of births in the West Bank, estimated at 44.9 per thousand,
Va. 22,0 for Israeli Jews 1
1, Statigtionl Abstract of Israel, 1980, op cit, p 4, 679.
‘The distribution of population by sex reveals a clear feminine
majority in the age group of 30 - 44, which is another reflection |
of the massive exodus of West Bank males in search of employment.
The exc
sively young nature of the population and the femininity
of the working age group entail significant socio-economic
consequences which are of direct relevance in agricultural develop-
ment in the West Bank. Although available figures do not reflect
differences in those attributes relative to types of settlonent, it
is generally felt that the severity of the youth feature and the
predominance of females is particularly acute in rural areas due
to a much more vigorous emigration, whether for employment or
education. The dynamics of the rural labour market will be explored
further in a later section.
Palestinians are well-known in the area for their high standards
of education. This is clearly designated in such criteria as
relatively low illiteracy (e.g. West Bank 26 percent, 54
in Irayand37 percent in Syria) and high ratio of population
enrolled in schools at various levels (about 37 percent of population).”
But the picture ismost noticeable in the case of college education.
According to UNESW reports, the ratio of college students to the
total West Bank population is among the highest in the world,
Supposedly ranking only second to that of the United States (3000
and 3471 students, respectively, per 100,000 of population).”
1. Gomputed from Adninistered Territories Statistics Quarterly
1980, op cit, p 155.
2. Q>rresponding ratios for some other countries: Egypt 565,
Pakestan 278, France 1239, Israel 1488.
Source: UNES@, 1968-69. Quoted from Sami Mar'i, Higher
Education of the Palestinians ~ with .al_Reference to the
West Bank, published in the Palestinians and the Middle East
Gnflict (Israel: Turtledove Publishing, 1977) p 436. - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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